The history of our city in color(colorized).
" The diachronic value of the past is the foundation of civilisation ". John Jay Chapman, American author (1862-1933).
After 1922, a very large percentage of the people living in our city and especially in Voula were refugees from Asia Minor.
The digital footage (photos and videos) collected from the Internet was then colorized and divided into 9 thematic sections (Period 1919-1922, Daily life before September 1922, Departure of Greek Forces, Refugees on the Waterfront, Turkish entry into Smyrna, The Great Fire, The next day of the catastrophe, Searching for salvation on the ships, Refugees in Greece).
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The digital footage (black and white photos and videos) of the last 100 years collected from the Internet was then colorized.
The videos come mainly from the National Audiovisual Archive and then colorized.
The main idea is to see pictures and videos (colorized) of our city and the way of life of the people who lived in the city from 1910 onwards.
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